Contoh Script php lengkap

 Getting the Current Date and Time
// get current date and time
$now = getdate();
// turn it into strings
$currentTime = $now["hours"] . ":" . $now["minutes"] .
":" . $now["seconds"];
$currentDate = $now["mday"] . "." . $now["mon"] . "." . $now["year"];
// result: "It is now 12:37:47 on 30.10.2006" (example)
echo "It is now $currentTime on $currentDate";
Formatting Timestamps
// get date
// result: "30 Oct 2006" (example)
echo date("d M Y", mktime()) . " \n";
// get time
// result: "12:38:26 PM" (example)
echo date("h:i:s A", mktime()) . " \n";
// get date and time
// result: "Monday, 30 October 2006, 12:38:26 PM" (example)
echo date ("l, d F Y, h:i:s A", mktime()) . " \n";
// get time with timezone
// result: "12:38:26 PM UTC"
echo date ("h:i:s A T", mktime()) . " \n";
// get date and time in ISO8601 format
// result: "2006-10-30T12:38:26+00:00"
echo date ("c", mktime());
Checking Date Validity
// check date 31-Apr-2006
// result: "Invalid date"
echo checkdate(31,4,2006) ? "Valid date" : "Invalid date";
Converting Strings to Timestamps
// define string
$str = "20030607";
// convert string to timestamp
$ts = strtotime($str);
// format as readable date/time value
// result: "Saturday, 07 June 2003 12:00:00 AM" (example)
echo ($ts === -1) ? "Invalid string" : date("l, d F Y h:i:s A", $ts);
Checking for Leap Years
// function to test if leap year
function testLeapYear($year) {
$ret = (($year%400 == 0) || ($year%4 == 0 && $year%100 != 0))
? true : false;
return $ret;
// result: "Is a leap year"
echo testLeapYear(2004) ? "Is a leap year" : "Is not a leap year";
// result: "Is not a leap year"
echo testLeapYear(2001) ? "Is a leap year" : "Is not a leap year";
Finding the Number of Days in a Month
// get timestamp for month and year Mar 2005
$ts = mktime(0,0,0,3,1,2005);
// find number of days in month
// result: 31
echo date("t", $ts);
Finding the Day-in-Year or Week-in-Year
Number for a Date
// get day of year for 01-Mar-2008
// result: 61
echo date("z", mktime(0,0,0,3,1,2008))+1;
// get week of year for 01-Mar-2008
// result: 09
echo date("W", mktime(0,0,0,3,1,2008));
Finding the Day Name for a Date
// get timestamp for date 04-Jun-2008
$ts = mktime(0,0,0,6,4,2008);
// get day of week
// result: "Wednesday"
echo date("l", $ts);
Finding the Number of Days
or Weeks in a Year
// get total number of days in the year 2001
$numDays = date("z", mktime(0,0,0,12,31,2001))+1;
// get total number of weeks in the year 2001
$numWeeks = date("W", mktime(0,0,0,12,28,2001));
// result: "There are 365 days and 52 weeks in 2001."
echo "There are $numDays days and $numWeeks weeks in 2001.\n";
Finding the Year Quarter for a Date
// get timestamp for date 04-Jun-2008
$ts = mktime(0,0,0,6,4,2008);
// get quarter
// result: 2
echo ceil(date("m", $ts)/3);
Converting Local Time to GMT
// convert current local time (IST) to GMT
// result: "15:06:25 30-Oct-06 GMT" (example)
echo gmdate("H:i:s d-M-y T") . "\n";
// convert specified local time (IST) to GMT
// result: "23:00:00 01-Feb-05 GMT" (example)
$ts = mktime(4,30,0,2,2,2005);
echo gmdate("H:i:s d-M-y T", $ts);
Converting Between Different Time Zones
// function to get time
// for another time zone
// given a specific timestamp and hour offset from GMT
function getLocalTime($ts, $offset) {
// performs conversion
// returns UNIX timestamp
return ($ts - date("Z", $ts)) + (3600 * $offset);
// get current local time in Singapore
// result: "00:11:26 31-10-06 SST"
echo date("H:i:s d-m-y", getLocalTime(mktime(), 8)) . " SST \n";
// get current local time in India
// result: "21:41:26 30-10-06 IST"
echo date("H:i:s d-m-y", getLocalTime(mktime(), +5.5)) . " IST \n";
// get current local time in USA (Eastern)
// result: "11:11:26 30-10-06 EST"
echo date("H:i:s d-m-y", getLocalTime(mktime(), -5)) . " EST \n";
// get current local time in USA (Pacific)
// result: "08:11:26 30-10-06 PST"
echo date("H:i:s d-m-y", getLocalTime(mktime(), -8)) . " PST \n";
// get time in GMT
// when it is 04:30 AM in India
// result: "23:00:00 01-02-05 GMT "
echo date("H:i:s d-m-y", getLocalTime(mktime(4,30,0,2,2,2005), 0)) .
" GMT \n";
Converting Between PHP
and MySQL Date Formats
// run database query, retrieve MySQL timestamp
$connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "user", "pass")
or die ("Unable to connect!");
$query = "SELECT NOW() AS tsField";
$result = mysql_query($query)
or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_object($result);
// to UNIX timestamp with PHP strtotime() function
// format for display with date()
echo date("d M Y H:i:s", strtotime($row->tsField));
// run database query, retrieve MySQL timestamp
// convert to UNIX timestamp using MySQL UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function
$connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "user", "pass")
or die ("Unable to connect!");
$query = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) as tsField";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " .
$row = mysql_fetch_object($result);
// timestamp is already in UNIX format
// so format for display with date()
echo date("d M Y H:i:s", $row->tsField);
To convert a UNIX timestamp to MySQL’s TIMESTAMP/DATETIME format,
use the date() function with a custom format strong, or use MySQL’s FROM_
UNIXTIME() function:
// create UNIX timestamp with mktime()
$ts = mktime(22,4,32,7,2,2007);
// turn UNIX timestamp into MYSQL TIMESTAMP/DATETIME format (string)
// result: "2007-07-02 22:04:32"
echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $ts);
// turn UNIX timestamp into MYSQL TIMESTAMP/DATETIME format (numeric)
// result: 20070702220432
echo date("YmdHis", $ts);
// create UNIX timestamp with PHP mktime() function
$ts = mktime(22,4,32,7,2,2007);
// turn UNIX timestamp into MYSQL TIMESTAMP/DATETIME format
// using MySQL's FROM_UNIXTIME() function
$connection = mysql_connect("localhost", "user", "pass")
or die ("Unable to connect!");
$query = "SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME('$ts') AS tsField";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " .
$row = mysql_fetch_object($result);
// result: "2007-07-02 22:04:32"
echo $row->tsField;
Comparing Dates
// create timestamps for two dates
$date1 = mktime(0,0,0,2,1,2007);
$date2 = mktime(1,0,0,2,1,2007);
// compare timestamps
// to see which represents an earlier date
if ($date1 > $date2) {
$str = date ("d-M-Y H:i:s", $date2) . " comes before " .
date ("d-M-Y H:i:s", $date1);
} else if ($date2 > $date1) {
$str = date ("d-M-Y H:i:s", $date1) . " comes before " .
date ("d-M-Y H:i:s", $date2);
} else {
$str = "Dates are equal";
// result: "01-Feb-2007 00:00:00 comes before 01-Feb-2007 01:00:00"
echo $str;
Performing Date Arithmetic
// set base date
$dateStr = "2008-09-01 00:00:00";
// convert base date to UNIX timestamp
// expressed in seconds
$timestamp = strtotime($dateStr);
// express "28 days, 5 hours, 25 minutes and 11 seconds"
// in seconds
$intSecs = 11 + (25*60) + (5*60*60) + (28*24*60*60);
// add interval (in seconds)
// to timestamp (in seconds)
// format result for display
// returns "2008-09-29 05:25:11"
$newDateStr = date("Y-m-d h:i:s", $timestamp + $intSecs);
echo $newDateStr;
Displaying a Monthly Calendar
// include Calendar class
include "Calendar/Month/Weekdays.php";
include "Calendar/Day.php";
// initialize calendar object
$month = new Calendar_Month_Weekdays(2008, 1);
// build child objects (days of the month)
// format as table
echo "<pre>";
// print month and year on first line
echo " " . sprintf("%02d", $month->thisMonth()) . "/" .
$month->thisYear() . "\n";
// print day names on second line
echo " M T W T F S S\n";
// iterate over day collection
while ($day = $month->fetch()) {
if ($day->isEmpty()) {
echo " ";
} else {
echo sprintf("%3d", $day->thisDay()) . " ";
if ($day->isLast()) {
echo "\n";
echo "</pre>";
Working with Extreme Date Values
// include ADODB date library
include "";
// get date representation for 01-Mar-1890
// returns "01-Mar-1890"
echo adodb_date("d-M-Y", adodb_mktime(4,31,56,3,1,1890)) . " \n";
// get date representation for 11-Jul-3690 10:31 AM
// result: "11-Jul-3690 10:31:09 AM"
echo adodb_gmdate("d-M-Y h:i:s A", adodb_mktime(16,1,9,07,11,3690)) . "
// get date representation for 11-Jul-3690 04:01 PM
// result: "11-Jul-3690 04:01:09 PM"
echo adodb_gmdate("d-M-Y h:i:s A", adodb_gmmktime(16,1,9,07,11,3690));
Printing Arrays
// define array
$data = array(
"UK" => array(
"longname" => "United Kingdom", "currency" => "GBP"),
"US" => array(
"longname" => "United States of America", "currency" =>
"USD"), "IN" => array(
"longname" => "India", "currency" => "INR"));
// print array contents
Processing Arrays
// define indexed array
$idxArr = array("John", "Joe", "Harry", "Sally", "Mona");
// process and print array elements one by one
// result: "John | Joe | Harry | Sally | Mona | "
foreach ($idxArr as $i) {
print "$i | ";
// define associative array
$assocArr = array("UK" => "London", "US" => "Washington",
"FR" => "Paris", "IN" => "Delhi");
// process and print array elements one by one
// result: "UK: London US: Washington FR: Paris IN: Delhi "
foreach ($assocArr as $key=>$value) {
print "$key: $value";
print "<br />";
Processing Nested Arrays
// function to recursively traverse nested arrays
function arrayTraverse($arr) {
// check if input is array
if (!is_array($arr)) { die ("Argument is not array!"); }
// iterate over array
foreach($arr as $value) {
// if a nested array
// recursively traverse
if (is_array($value)) {
} else {
// process the element
print strtoupper($value) . " \n";
// define nested array
$data = array(
"United States",
array("Texas", "Philadelphia"),
array ("Los Angeles", "San Francisco")));
Counting the Number of Elements in an Array
// define indexed array
$animals = array("turtle", "iguana", "wolf", "anteater", "donkey");
// get array size (number of elements)
// result: 5
echo count($animals);
Converting Strings to Arrays
// define string
$alphabetStr = "a b c d e f g h i j k";
// break string into array
// using whitespace as the separator
// result: ("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k")
print_r(explode(" ", $alphabetStr));
Swapping Array Keys and Values
// define associative array
$opposites = array("white" => "black", "day" => "night", "open" =>
// exchange keys and values
// returns ("black" => "white", "night" => "day", "close" => "open")
Adding and Removing Array Elements
// define indexed array
$superheroes = array("spiderman", "superman");
// add an element to the end of the array
// result: ("spiderman", "superman", "the incredible hulk")
array_push($superheroes, "the incredible hulk");
// take an element off the beginning of the array
// result: ("superman", "the incredible hulk")
// add an element to the beginning of the array
// result: ("the human torch", "superman", "the incredible hulk")
array_unshift($superheroes, "the human torch");
// take an element off the end of the array
// result: ("the human torch", "superman")
Use PHP’s array_splice() function to add or remove elements from the
middle of an array:
// define array
$colors = array("violet", "indigo", "blue", "green", "yellow",
"orange", "red", "purple", "black", "white");
// remove middle 4 elements
// result: ("violet", "indigo", "blue", "purple", "black", "white")
array_splice($colors, 3, 4);
// add 2 elements between "black" and "white"
// result: ("violet", "indigo", "blue", "purple", "black",
"silver", "brown", "white")
array_splice($colors, 5, 0, array("silver", "brown"));
Extracting Contiguous Segments of an Array
// define array
$colors = array("violet", "indigo", "blue", "green", "yellow",
"orange", "red", "purple", "black", "white");
// extract middle 4 elements
// result: ("green", "yellow", "orange", "red");
$slice = array_slice($colors, 3, 4);
Removing Duplicate Array Elements
// define an array containing duplicates
$numbers = array(10,20,10,40,35,80,35,50,55,10,55,30,40,70,50,10,35,
// extracts all unique elements into a new array
// result: "10, 20, 40, 35, 80, 50, 55, 30, 70, 85, 90"
echo join(", ", array_unique($numbers));
Re-indexing Arrays
// define indexed array
$superheroes = array(0 => "spiderman", 1 => "superman",
2 => "captain marvel", 3 => "green lantern");
// remove an element from the middle of the array
// result: (0 => "spiderman", 1 => "superman", 3 => "green lantern")
unset ($superheroes[2]);
// rearrange array elements to remove gap
// result: (0 => "spiderman", 1 => "superman", 2 => "green lantern")
$superheroes = array_values($superheroes);
Randomizing Arrays
// define array of numbers from 1 to 5
$numbers = range(1,5);
// shuffle array elements randomly
// result: "3, 5, 1, 2, 4" (example)
echo join (", ", $numbers);
// define array of numbers from 1 to 12
$numbers = range(1,12);
// pick 5 random keys from the array
$randKeys = array_rand($numbers, 5);
// print the chosen elements
// result: "3, 5, 1, 2, 4" (example)
echo join (", ", $randKeys);
Reversing Arrays
// define array of numbers
$numbers = array("one", "two", "three", "four", "five");
// return an array with elements reversed
// result: ("five", "four", "three", "two", "one")
Searching Arrays
// define associative array
$data = array(
"UK" => "United Kingdom",
"US" => "United States of America",
"IN" => "India",
"AU" => "Australia");
// search for key
// result: "Key exists"
echo array_key_exists("UK", $data) ? "Key exists" :
"Key does not exist";
// search for value
// result: "Value exists"
echo in_array("Australia", $data) ? "Value exists" :
"Value does not exist";
Searching Nested Arrays
// function to recursively traverse nested arrays
// and search for values matching a pattern
function arraySearchRecursive($needle, $haystack, $path=””) {
// check if input is array
if (!is_array($haystack)) { die ("Second argument is not array!"); }
// declare a variable to hold matches
global $matches;
// iterate over array
foreach($haystack as $key=>$value) {
if (preg_match("/$needle/i", $key)) {
$matches[] = array($path . "$key/", "KEY: $key");
if (is_array($value)) {
// if a nested array
// recursively search
// unset the path once the end of the tree is reached
$path .= "$key/";
arraySearchRecursive($needle, $value, $path);
} else {
// if not an array
// check for match
// save path if match exists
if (preg_match("/$needle/i", $value)) {
$matches[] = array($path . "$key/", "VALUE: $value");
// return the list of matches to the caller
return $matches;
// define nested array
$data = array (
"United States" => array (
"California" => array (
"Los Angeles",
"San Francisco" => array(
"Silicon Valley"))));
// search for string "in"
// result: an array of 2 occurrences with path
print_r(arraySearchRecursive("co", $data));
Filtering Array Elements
// function to test if a number is positive
function isPositive($value) {
return ($value > 0) ? true : false;
// define array of numbers
$series = array(-10,21,43,-6,5,1,84,1,-32);
// filter out positive values
// result: (21, 43, 5, 1, 84, 1)
print_r(array_filter($series, 'isPositive'));
Sorting Arrays
// define indexed array
$animals = array("wolf", "lion", "tiger", "iguana", "bear",
"zebra", "leopard");
// sort alphabetically by value
// result: ("bear", "iguana", "leopard", "lion", "tiger", "wolf",
Sorting Multidimensional Arrays
// create a multidimensional array
$data = array();
$data[0] = array("title" => "Net Force", "author" => "Clancy, Tom",
"rating" => 4);
$data[1] = array("title" => "Every Dead Thing", "author" => "Connolly,
John", "rating"=> 5);
$data[2] = array("title" => "Driven To Extremes", "author" => "Allen,
James", "rating" => 4);
$data[3] = array("title" => "Dark Hollow", "author" => "Connolly,
John", "rating" => 4);
$data[4] = array("title" => "Bombay Ice", "author" => "Forbes,
Leslie", "rating" => 5);
// separate all the elements with the same key
// into individual arrays
foreach ($data as $key=>$value) {
$author[$key] = $value['author'];
$title[$key] = $value['title'];
$rating[$key] = $value['rating'];
// sort by rating and then author
array_multisort($rating, $author, $data);
Sorting Arrays Using a Custom Sort Function
// function to compare length of two values
function sortByLength($a, $b) {
if (is_scalar($a) && is_scalar($b)) {
if (strlen($a) == strlen($b)) {
return 0;
} else {
return (strlen($a) > strlen($b)) ? 1 : -1;
// define array
$data = array("abracadabra", "goo", "indefinitely",
"hail to the chief", "aloha");
// sort array using custom sorting function
// result: ("goo", "aloha", ..., "hail to the chief")
usort($data, 'sortByLength');
Sorting Nested Arrays
// function to compare length of two values
function sortByLength($a, $b) {
if (is_scalar($a) && is_scalar($b)) {
if (strlen($a) == strlen($b)) {
return 0;
} else {
return (strlen($a) > strlen($b)) ? 1 : -1;
// function to recursively sort
// a series of nested arrays
function sortRecursive(&$arr, $sortFunc, $sortFuncParams = null) {
// check if input is array
if (!is_array($arr)) { die ("Argument is not array!"); }
// sort the array using the named function
$sortFunc($arr, $sortFuncParams);
// check to see if further arrays exist
// recurse if so
foreach (array_keys($arr) as $k) {
if (is_array($arr[$k])) {
sortRecursive($arr[$k], $sortFunc, $sortFuncParams);
// define nested array
$data = array (
"United States" => array (
"West Virginia",
"Texas" => array(
"Dallas", "Austin"),
"Philadelphia", "Vermont", "Kentucky",
"California" => array (
"San Francisco", "Los Angeles", "Cupertino", "Mountain
// sort $data recursively using asort()
sortRecursive($data, 'asort');
// sort $data recursively using custom function()
sortRecursive($data, 'usort', 'sortByLength');
Merging Arrays
// define arrays
$statesUS = array("Maine", "New York", "Florida", "California");
$statesIN = array("Maharashtra", "Tamil Nadu", "Kerala");
// merge into a single array
// result: ("Maine", "New York", ..., "Tamil Nadu", "Kerala")
$states = array_merge($statesUS, $statesIN);
// define arrays
$ab = array("a" => "apple", "b" => "baby");
$ac = array("a" => "anteater", "c" => "cauliflower");
$bcd = array("b" => "ball", "c" => array("car", "caterpillar"),
"d" => "demon");
// recursively merge into a single array
$abcd = array_merge_recursive($ab, $ac, $bcd);
Comparing Arrays
// define arrays
$salt = array("sodium", "chlorine");
$acid = array("hydrogen", "chlorine", "nitrogen");
// get all elements from $acid
// that also exist in $salt
// result: ("chlorine")
$intersection = array_intersect($acid, $salt);
Use PHP’s array_diff() function to find the elements that exist in either one
of the two arrays, but not both simultaneously:
// define arrays
$salt = array("sodium", "chlorine");
$acid = array("hydrogen", "chlorine", "nitrogen");
// get all elements that do not exist
// in both arrays simultaneously
// result: ("hydrogen", "nitrogen", "sodium")
$diff = array_unique(array_merge(
array_diff($acid, $salt), array_diff($salt, $acid)
Controlling String Case
// define string
$rhyme = "And all the king's men couldn't put him together again";
// uppercase entire string
$ucstr = strtoupper($rhyme);
echo $ucstr;
// lowercase entire string
// result: "and all the king's men couldn't put him together again"
$lcstr = strtolower($rhyme);
echo $lcstr;
Checking for Empty String Values
// define string
$str = " ";
// check if string is empty
// result: "Empty"
echo (!isset($str) || trim($str) == "") ? "Empty" : "Not empty";
Removing Characters from the Ends of a String
// define string
$str = "serendipity";
// remove first 6 characters
// result: "ipity"
$newStr = substr($str, 6);
echo $newStr;
// remove last 6 characters
// result: "seren"
$newStr = substr($str, 0, -6);
echo $newStr;
Removing Whitespace from Strings
// define string
$str = " this is a string with lots of emb e dd
ed whitespace ";
// trim the whitespace at the ends of the string
// compress the whitespace in the middle of the string
// result: "this is a string with lots of emb e dd ed whitespace"
$newStr = ereg_replace('[[:space:]]+', ' ', trim($str));
echo $newStr;
Reversing Strings
// define string
$cards = "Visa, MasterCard and American Express accepted";
// reverse string
// result: "detpecca sserpxE naciremA dna draCretsaM ,asiV"
$sdrac = strrev($cards);
echo $sdrac;
Repeating Strings
// define string
$laugh = "ha ";
// repeat string
// result: "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha "
$rlaugh = str_repeat($laugh, 10);
echo $rlaugh;
Truncating Strings
function truncateString($str, $maxChars=40, $holder="...") {
// check string length
// truncate if necessary
if (strlen($str) > $maxChars) {
return trim(substr($str, 0, $maxChars)) . $holder;
} else {
return $str;
// define long string
$str = "Just as there are different flavors of client-side scripting,
there are different languages that can be used on
the server as well.";
// truncate and print string
// result: "Just as there are different flavours of..."
echo truncateString($str);
// truncate and print string
// result: "Just as there are di >>>"
echo truncateString($str, 20, " >>>");
Splitting Strings into Smaller Chunks
// define string
$str = "The mice jumped over the cat, giggling madly
as the moon exploded into green and purple confetti";
// define chunk size
$chunkSize = 11;
// split string into chunks
// result: [0] = The mice ju [1] = mped over t [2] = he cat, gig
// [3] = gling madly ...
$chunkedArr = str_split($str, $chunkSize);
Comparing Strings for Similarity
// compare strings
// result: "Strings are similar"
echo (metaphone("rest") == metaphone("reset")) ?
"Strings are similar" : "Strings are not similar";
// result: "Strings are similar"
echo (metaphone("deep") == metaphone("dip")) ?
"Strings are similar" : "Strings are not similar";
// result: "Strings are not similar"
echo (metaphone("fire") == metaphone("higher")) ?
"Strings are similar" : "Strings are not similar";
Parsing Comma-Separated Lists
// define comma-separated list
$ingredientsStr = "butter, milk, sugar, salt, flour, caramel";
// decompose string into array
// using comma as delimiter
$ingredientsArr = explode(", ", $ingredientsStr);
// iterate over array
// print individual elements
foreach ($ingredientsArr as $i) {
print $i . "\r\n";
Parsing URLs
// define URL
$url = "
article.php?id=79 &page=2";
// parse URL into associative array
$data = parse_url($url);
// print URL components
foreach ($data as $k=>$v) {
echo "$k: $v \n";
Counting Words in a String
// define string
$text = "Fans of the 1980 group will have little trouble recognizing
the group's distinctive synthesized sounds and hypnotic dance beats,
since these two elements are present in almost every song on the
album; however, the lack of diversity and range is troubling, and I'm
hoping we see some new influences in the next album. More
intelligent lyrics might also help.";
// decompose the string into an array of "words"
$words = preg_split('/[^0-9A-Za-z\']+/', $text, -1,
// count number of words (elements) in array
// result: "59 words"
echo count($words) . " words";
Spell-Checking Words in a String
// define string to be spell-checked
$str = "someun pleez helpp me i canot spel";
// check spelling
// open dictionary link
$dict = pspell_new("en", "british");
// decompose string into individual words
// check spelling of each word
$str = preg_replace('/[0-9]+/', '', $str);
$words = preg_split('/[^0-9A-Za-z\']+/', $str, -1,
foreach ($words as $w) {
if (!pspell_check($dict, $w)) {
$errors[] = $w;
// if errors exist
// print error list
if (sizeof($errors) > 0) {
echo "The following words were wrongly spelt: " .
implode(" ", $errors);
Identifying Duplicate Words in a String
// define string
$str = "baa baa black sheep";
// trim the whitespace at the ends of the string
$str = trim($str);
// compress the whitespace in the middle of the string
$str = ereg_replace('[[:space:]]+', ' ', $str);
// decompose the string into an array of "words"
$words = explode(' ', $str);
// iterate over the array
// count occurrences of each word
// save stats to another array
foreach ($words as $w) {
// print all duplicate words
// result: "baa"
foreach ($wordStats as $k=>$v) {
if ($v >= 2) { print "$k \r\n"; }
Searching Strings
// define string
$html = "I'm <b>tired</b> and so I <b>must</b> go
<a href='http://domain'>home</a> now";
// check for match
// result: "Match"
echo ereg("<b>(.*)+</b>", $html) ? "Match" : "No match";
Use a regular expression with PHP’s preg_match() function:
// define string
$html = "I'm <b>tired</b> and so I <b>must</b> go
<a href='http://domain'>home</a> now";
// check for match
// result: "Match"
echo preg_match("/<b>(.*?)<\/b>/i", $html) ? "Match" : "No match";
Counting Matches in a String
// define string
$html = "I'm <b>tired</b> and so I <b>must</b> go
<a href='http://domain'>home</a> now";
// count occurrences of bold text in string
// result: "2 occurrence(s)"
preg_match_all("/<b>(.*?)<\/b>/i", $html, &$matches);
echo sizeof($matches[0]) . " occurrence(s)";


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